100 Social Networking Statistics & Facts - Infographics


100 Social Networking Statistics & Facts

Social networking sites are extremely popular and continue to grow in popularity. In this article, we will explore some of the statistics and facts about social networking. The average age of a social networking user is 35.

1. According to a study by Pew Research Center, in 2016 adults aged 18-29 spent an average of five hours per day using social networking platforms, compared with three hours for adults ages 30-49 and two hours for adults 50 and older. 

2. The percentage of American adults who use social media has more than tripled since 2006, from 16% to 54%. 

3. Social media platforms are increasingly being used as tools for connecting with friends and family, rather than for accessing news or information. 

4. In the United Kingdom, Facebook is the most popular social media platform, with 56% of users logging on daily. Instagram (20%), Snapchat (17%), and Twitter (13%) are also widely used. 

5. Adults who use social media tend to be more engaged with their online communities than those who don’t use social media.

100 Social Networking Statistics & Facts

Infographics Source: https://creotivo.com/

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